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How we help

Our OTs at Simply OT aim to help kids play, improve their school performance, and help them engage in their various daily activities. This hugely contributes to boosting their self-esteem and results in a sense of accomplishment. Below are a list of the areas in which we can help children. Visit the 'SimplyOT Kids' page for more details.

Handwriting difficulties
Good handwriting is an essential life skill and a cornerstone of academic success.
A child that meets difficulty with handwriting can quickly become frustrated and unmotivated. Acting proactively and early ensures that their problems are addressed quickly and minimizes the impact on their progress in school.
We regularly help children with writing difficulties and can implement treatment at our practice and/or at school. When we help a child with handwriting, we often see improvements in other areas of development, including academic and behavioural progress.

Gross motor skills
Gross motor skills are the foundation of a child's developmental milestones
Gross motor skills are a prerequisite for a child's progress in school, as well as their ability to play and be independent. Difficulty with these skills is often the cause of awkward or uncoordinated movements, leading to problems with everyday tasks like getting dressed, running, or riding a bike.
We regularly assist parents and schools concerned with a child's difficulty with classroom or playground activities due to gross motor problems. Our practical advice helps them develop abilities and confidence in all areas of everyday life. Whether your child's school has identified gross motor problems or you have noticed these problems yourself, we can help.

Fine motor skills
Fine motor skills are essential for children's development of writing and drawing
Fine motor skills guide small hand and finger movements that enable children to write and draw, as well as manipulate buttons and zippers, as well as tying their shoes. When these skills are under developed, results can include decreased independence, academic performance, and self-confidence. We work with children and their families as well as school staff, using proven techniques to improve fine motor skills. Whether your child's school has identified fine motor problems or you've encountered them yourself, we can help.
Occupation therapy for

Our OT's at Simply OT aim to help kids play, improve their school performance, and help them engage in their various daily activities. This hugely contributes to boosting their self-esteem and results in a sense of accomplishment. We offer treatment in various settings including schools, hospitals and on an outpatient basis, and are contracted with majority of medical aid schemes.
Good handwriting is an essential life skill and a cornerstone of academic success.
Handwriting requires visual coordination, core strength, fine motor skills, hand strength, and more. If your child has sloppy handwriting, has difficulty correctly forming letters or has trouble properly holding a pencil, they may benefit from OT for handwriting problems.
Even with all of the technology available today, handwriting is still a vital skill. Not everything is electronic, and the skills and muscles used in writing also come into play in other activities. Identifying problems early on can help to correct them before more serious issues or bad habits develop. Good handwriting takes time and practice.
Whether your child's school has determined that your child's handwriting is below par for his or her age and stage, or you have noticed such difficulties yourself, we can help.

How do you know if you need to reach out?
Parents contact us for a variety of reasons related to handwriting, but some of the more common difficulties that may contribute include:
Difficulty remembering how to write letters or copy from books or the blackboard
Poor spacing and placement of letters and words
Discomfort when holding a pencil for long periods of time
Weak fine motor skills, hand strength and dexterity
Unwillingness to do homework or poor completion
Difficulty concentrating or poor behaviour in class, poor performance in the playground and avoiding playing outside
Excessive fatigue after short periods of writing
Our assessment process allows our occupational therapist to determine the nature of your child's writing difficulties and the reasons for them. Once identified, we can work with you and your child to come up with a plan to address the issue.